Award-winning Skygrid Solutions Inc. first incubated in the BEST York Incubator at York University and then gained recognition as an innovative business worthy of investing in by leading edge accelerators, Batchery (U.S.) and DMZ (Canada).

Batchery interviewed Sam Medic, Skygrid founder, in January 2021. After a lengthy, deep dive investigation into his brilliant idea for revolutionizing how businesses do computer work and manage user networks, the company was accepted into Batch 12.
On the public pitch day, Skygrid stood out among the other startups in its batch as the due diligence, investor presentations, and leadership team came together. Not only did qualified investors who attended the virtual pitch day jump on the initial seed funding, Batchery advisors did as well.
A tech-savvy sales and marketing strategist for the high-tech industry, Andy Rutherford joined the advisory team and bought into Skygrid because he believes in it so much. Why? He has to deal with the existing technology in the market to do his daily work, which is painful.
Here is what Andy has to say about his experience working with currently available virtual desktop solutions:
“I have to work with huge spreadsheets and rich content on a daily basis. It is absolutely brutal waiting for the system to log in and boot up. Then I attempt to open files that attack the system resources and productivity slows to a crawl beyond my patience. It makes my work inefficient and ruins my mood nearly every time I log on to my virtual desktop machine. When I first saw SkyGrid in action, I was blown away by how fast and intuitive it is. I believe it is the future of cloud-only work streaming solutions.”
Andy Rutherford, Advisor
Skygrid Solutions has developed a new technology that will reduce costs, energy consumption, security risks, and management time. Every user a company needs to add to their network, in office or from home, can be implemented in a matter of minutes versus days without IT specialists on the payroll.
Andy was only one of the advisors who jumped on board when they discovered the innovative, cloud-only hardware and cloud streaming subscription model that Skygrid Solutions has developed, tested, and made market ready. Now it’s time to scale, market, sell, and distribute this fusion of hardware and cloud services to businesses around the world.
Round one funding started in August 2021 and will remain open until the first production milestone is met For more information, it is recommended that you request an investor presentation. Andy will contact you directly to book a time where you can walk through the investor qualification process and explore the due diligence documentation. You can order a prototype and discover how amazing this technology is before you dive in. Once the first 500 units are manufactured and distributed, the company valuation will increase, leaving round one participants very happy.
The subscription-based business model is one of the best profit-generating opportunities in today’s investment world. It has worked for the cellular, Internet Service Provider, and streaming service industries for years. This hardware plus service model is a proven system that promotes growth, stability, and value.